A Big Notes

Persistence Memory


  1. fg: resume suspended command
  2. xrandr: cli to configure size


  1. How not to take things personally?
  2. Golang: Check sizeof data type
  3. Install protoc protoc-gen-go
  4. Go: Interface Resolution
  5. Postgresql: Run on Docker
  6. Docker: Difference ADD and COPY
  7. Vim: Difference between :wq and :x
  8. Remote: Async First
  9. Java: Recursive Type Declaration
  10. Go: Length by Rune or Byte?
  11. Go: Equals ignore case
  12. Free Up Postgresql Storage
  13. gcmsg "Hello World"


  1. Regex Key Value on Java
  2. Follow Redirect on Curl


  1. Java Integer Overflow
  2. Java Logical Operator
  3. Java Integer Cache
  4. Grep with Multi Pattern
  5. PostGIS Intersects
  6. Install Postgis
  7. Postgis Point in Polygon
  8. Open Shell on Docker Container
  9. YES Command
  10. Determine Bash Variable is Empty
  11. Vim: Reverse Lines
  12. Replace String On Specific Line
  13. Redis Reentrant Lock
  14. Postgresql Get Date from Timestamp
  15. Prevent HDMI from losing signal after lock/blank screen
  16. Remove root commit using git filter-branch
  17. Modify Git Commit Using Git Rebase